AMDG Grounds
107 Monument Rd, Clevedon (Gate 6)


If you are coming to our grounds, here is a little info that might be of assistance….

Sunday Markets:

Clevedon Markets open early each Sunday and there is some yummy food, plants, preserves, cheeses, etc. Please be careful driving past as it’s a very busy place with people crossing from the carpark, including small children and dogs.


Yards will be straight ahead of you. A laminated list of reserved yards will be displayed at the left hand end of the covered yards. We have uncovered, covered and some stables available. These must be reserved before placing your horse in them. Please leave clean and tidy, report and damage and take all old manure and hay home with you. Please do not place manure around the trees – this is a Council requirement.

Toilet facilities:

There are 3 toilets and a shower up at the clubrooms. No toilets beside yards and parking.


There is a small metalled area in front of the yards but the main carpark for floats and trucks is on the left as you drive up. Please do not drive up the road towards the clubrooms. Cars only around the clubroom area. If there has been a lot of rain, please be careful where you park as there may be some soft spots. We do not have a tractor onsite to pull you out.

Tying of horses to trucks / floats:

This is permitted on our grounds but please only if your horse is okay tied to the truck or float. The parking is not fenced in / secure, so if your horse is unsettled or is known to pull back from your transport, please organise a yard for the safety of your horse and other users of the grounds.

Arena Surfaces:

We try to run all our tests on our all weather surface. This surface is a mixture of Cushionride (a dust free wood fibre that doesn’t retain moisture) and sand / shell. We harrow this surface regularly and also roll it prior to events to give you the best possible surface. Whilst it is personal preference and you know your horse best, studs are not commonly needed on this surface. For our local days riders can warm up on the surface. For our bigger championship shows there may be a requirement to warm up on the grass outside our arenas.

Wash Bay:

We have a dedicated wash bay on the left as you are looking at our yards. This is undercover and has a concrete surface. Please pick up your horse’s poo should he / she feel the need!

Coming to our grounds?  Click here for maps and directions.

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AMDG Yard Map (click to enlarge)

AMDG Site Map (click to enlarge)